Our Mission
The mission of Women’s March Florida is to harness the political power of diverse women and their communities to create transformative social change. Women’s March Florida is a women-led movement providing intersectional education on a diverse range of issues and creating entry points for new grassroots activists & organizers to engage in their local communities through trainings, outreach programs and events. We are committed to dismantling systems of oppression through nonviolent resistance and building inclusive structures guided by self-determination, dignity and respect.
Guiding values
We fully support safe and accessible healthcare for all regardless of insurance, economic, or citizen status. This includes a woman’s right to legal abortions, affordable birth control, and emergency contraception.
We believe in an urgent action to cut greenhouse gas emissions and a just transition to renewable energy. The causes of and impacts of climate change and environmental injustice first affects the most vulnerable among us; we pledge to protect and sustain the land, air, water, and creatures that share the Earth with us.
We believe that education is a public good and that all students, of all ages and backgrounds, deserve the opportunity to receive safe, affordable, quality education from the earliest stages of schooling through college.
We support political, social, legal, economic, and educational equality and access for all races and pledge to dismantle systemic racism and racist violence that threatens the lives and opportunities of black and brown people living in the US today.
We believe in fair and equitable treatment for all immigrants. We advocate for a more just and modern immigration system that honors and maintains the way immigration strengthens US communities, families, and the economy.
We are committed to fighting injustice, discrimination, and hate based on sexual orientation and gender and pledge to develop LGBTQIA+ civil rights in all areas including employment, housing, medical care, adoption, and marriage.
We advocate for each individual to have an equal chance at a dignified, productive, and creative life beyond economics and are committed to fighting for a range of economic justice issues from ending poverty to demanding equal pay for equal work.
We believe that criminal justice is intimately connected to social justice. We support renewed gun control measures and a publicly funded system of transformative and restorative justice based on non-violence prevention, healing, and social justice.
Per the UN “Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples”, colonialism is a crime. It is a system designed to centralize wealth and power in the hands of a few by impoverishing most members of society. Poverty, like slavery and apartheid, is a tool used by the powerful to divide the people and to suppress their natural power. Colonialism is directly responsible for social and economic injustice, environmental destruction, and excessive militarization.
It is for this reason that Women’s March Florida is adopting the United Nations Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples as adopted by General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960.
As a statewide organization, we will not always have the capacity to intervene in all colonial issues that affect so many around the world. But our values will always support those working to decolonize lands and minds alike.
If you have not read the UN Declaration about Colonial Countries and Peoples, you can read it HERE.