Did you know?
In Florida, if you are convicted of a felony you are BARRED FOR LIFE from voting.
This currently excludes 1.4 million Floridians from participating in democracy. These are people from all walks of life.
That can all change in 2018 — with the Voting Restoration Amendment (Amendment 4)— a Florida ballot initiative of national importance - that gives Florida voters the choice to return the eligibility to vote to our friends, family and neighbors who have fully completed their sentences. The grassroots-driven effort is relying on everyday Americans like us to step up and help.
This issue is central to our Power to the Polls goals for 2018. It's time for Women's March FL to step up to help out by doing everything we can to support the Second Chances Campaign.
Right now, they are asking us to join their Virtual Phone Banking program- to engage, 1 on 1, with Florida Voters to educate them on the issue and make sure that they Vote Yes 4 Second Chances this fall by Voting Yes on Amendment 4.
Are you ready to get started? Click here to sign up to volunteer!
The goal is to call the more than one million people who signed a petition to get the initiative on the ballot to personally thank them and get them involved in the campaign.
They need a lot of Call Team volunteers to help fill these phone banking shifts! The phone banks can be done entirely from home, and will begin Monday, March 26th. It's easy to get involved, and the campaign will give you all the training and resources you need.
Ready to get to work? Click here to join the Second Chances FL Call Team!
Floridians believe in Second Chances, and we think that Florida Law should too. We know our Women's March FL members are ready to take all of the energy and enthusiasm that we have seen displayed at our marches and events over the last year, and turn it into real action and change. We hope you will all sign up to help the Second Chances FL Campaign however you can!