Urge GOP members of House Judiciary Committee AGAIN to support inquiry into Trump taxes/Russia ties. Call (844) 241-1141, see http://rvdr.me/98199
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Women’s March Florida Daily Action 2.23.17
The current Administration Wednesday rescinded protections for transgender students that had allowed them to use bathrooms corresponding with their gender identity, overruling his own education secretary Devos who expressed discomfort in the move and joining with Sessions in rolling back civil rights expansions. This plan to rescind Title IX guidance for our Florida Transgender students once again shows this Administration’s failure to protect the most vulnerable among us. Our partners, The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), firmly oppose this move: “Reversing this guidance tells trans kids that it’s OK with the Trump administration and the Department of Education for them to be abused and harassed at school for being trans. We want to be clear to those kids: It is not OK with your teachers or with us at the AFT, and we will continue fighting to protect you.” - See more at: http://www.aft.org/…/aft-responds-trumps-plan-roll-back-lgb… Step 1: Call Senator Bill Nelson and ask that he publicly condemn the Administration’s reversal of protections for transgender students, which played a critical role in reducing the alarmingly high suicide rate among transgender teens. Step 2: Tweet @SenBillNelson #protecttranskids we are @WMW_Florida please publicly denounce the dangerous reversal which puts our trans students at risk Step 3: Call Senator Marco Rubio and ask that he publicly condemn the Administration’s reversal of protections for transgender students, which played a critical role in reducing the alarmingly high suicide rate among transgender teens. Step 4: Tweet @marcorubio #protecttranskids we are @WMW_Florida please publicly denounce the dangerous reversal which puts our trans students at risk Step 5: Send this letter to the White House, Devos, and Sessions as well as your local newspaper (Credit to Terry Flemming Florida LGBTQ President) Dear President, Secretary DeVos and Attorney General Sessions, (As an LGBT or Ally), I believe that our children should be safe at school-that includes students who are transgender and non-binary. Protecting our children-all of our children-is one of the most important parts of your job. By withdrawing the Department of Education and the Department of Justice's May 2016 guidance on transgender students, you are taking away critical guidance that tells schools how to treat transgender students fairly, and with respect. This guidance is life-saving, and taking it away is immoral, outrageous, and wrong. All students deserve to learn in a safe and supportive environment. I demand that you do your job and reconsider this harmful decision to overturn the guidance. [Your Name] The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Betsy DeVos U.S. Department of Education 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202 Jeff Sessions U.S. Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20530-0001 WOMEN'S MARCH FLORIDA 2.22.17 DAILY ACTION:
EMERGENCY ACTION for SABAL TRAIL WATER PROTECTORS WOMEN’S MARCH FLORIDA in conjunction with GREENPEACE FLORIDA asks you to: Call Senator Bill Nelson and support the water protectors that are on LOCK DOWN TODAY inside of a pipe demanding an environmental impact study. Senator Nelson needs to take action now!! We have called, we have petitioned, we met with him and now WE DEMAND he work with us: Please call!!!! Please share!! Washington, DC Office 202-224-5274 Call your local office too! Hi, my name is ___________ I am calling to demand that Senator Nelson take action on the Sabal Trail pipeline! I want to thank the Senator for considering himself an environmentalist. There have been multiple arrest including a veteran surrounding the construction of this dangerous pipeline. Just today (or this week) there was a lockdown to equipment in Dunnellon, Florida. We need the Senator to take action now, stand with the people, and protect Florida’s water! The people want an environmental impact study! Thank you. Women's March Florida Daily Action 2/20/17
Call House Speaker Richard Corcoran at 888-925-7006 and urge him to support House Bill 451 to ban fracking statewide! Here's a sample message you can use when you call: "Hi, my name is ______ and I'm a Floridian concerned about the dangers fracking poses to our environment and economy. Tourism is one of our largest industries and in order to keep Florida as a major tourist destination, we must protect our environment by banning fracking. I urge Speaker Corcoran to support House Bill 451 to ban fracking statewide. Thank you." (More sample messages below if you'd like to personalize your call) Senator Dana Young (R-Tampa) and Representative Mike Miller (R-Orlando) have introduced bipartisan-backed legislation to ban fracking in Florida. But in order to be able to pass the bill, we need the support of House and Senate leadership. We have support for a statewide fracking ban from Senate President Pro Tempore Anitere Flores (R-Miami) so we need to ensure we also have support from leadership in the House. Please call Speaker Corcoran at 888-925-7006 which will link you to his office in Tallahassee. When you call, let the office know you want Speaker Corcoran to protect Florida's environment and economy by supporting legislation to ban fracking, House Bill 451. You can also personalize your call by using these messages: • Economy: Our tourism-based economy is placed at risk with the potential for fracking in the state. One incident could have a huge economic effect on the economy and jobs. • Water: Fracking threatens the health of our drinking water through contamination. The Floridan Aquifer, the sole source of drinking water for millions of Floridians, is at risk. • Communities: Low-income and communities of color are disproportionately affected by fracking and the rapid expansion of fracking infrastructure around the country which has led to a long list of serious health problems in these and other communities. 2/16/2017 0 Comments Women's March Florida Daily ActionWomen’s March Florida Daily Action 2.16.17
Scott Pruit, is the Administration’s current pick to run the EPA. Pruit is completely unsuited to run the agency based on his history of opposing the EPA on the following matters: Mercury is poisonous #realfacts Pruitt went to court to get rid of Mercury protections. Ozone is dangerous to breathe #realfacts Pruitt sued the EPA over Ozone protections. Toxic Emissions can cross state lines #realfacts Pruitt sued EPA over this. National Parks should be kept pristine #reallyrealfacts Pruitt disagreed and sued the EPA. If the Senate Confirms Pruitt it will be at the direct cost of our planet. Call your Senator and demand they #stopscott Read More about the Climate Change Denying Oklahoma AG here: https://www.nytimes.com/2016/12/07/us/politics/scott-pruitt-epa-trump.html?_r=0 Part I: CALL Call 202-224-3121 and speak to your Senator “I am a member of Women’s March Florida and I ask that Senator represent us by voting no on Scott Pruitt. His history of reckless endangerment to our environment makes him unqualified to run the EPA.” Part II: TWEET #stoppruitt @marcorubio we are @WMW_Florida @AGScottPruitt is a danger to our planet vote no on nomination for EPA #climatechangeisreal #stoppruitt @SenBillNelson we are @WMW_Florida @AGScottPruitt is a danger to our planet vote no on nomination for EPA #climatechangeisreal 2/15/2017 0 Comments Women's March Florida Daily ActionWomen's March Florida:
2/15 Call To Action; Support Refugees! Thursday February 16th, The Florida House will be voting on HB 427 at 9am. It seeks to withdraw our state from Federal Refugee Programs. This means that the organizations currently resettling Refugees in Florida would lose ALL of their federal funding. Without funding, these organizations can no longer serve incoming Refugees as well as Refugees still in the 90-Day stateside resettlement program. Call your Florida House Representative TODAY! Tell them you are a constituent and that you are against HB 427. If you have a personal story about Refugees, or simply express the benefit you think Refugees are to our nation, all the better! Tell your representative that cutting federal funding to organizations resettling Refugees is unacceptable. Find your Representative here: https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/…/Repre…/representatives.aspx The wording of the Bill here: https://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sect…/Bills/billsdetail.aspx… 2/14/2017 0 Comments Womens March Florida Daily Action
#1 Call Congress at 1-855-408-2357 and we will connect you to your representative to ask them 1to protect people in harm’s way in the name of justice and love. #2 Thousands of us are rising up with music, art, poetry, and dance! People throughout the US and in 200 countries worldwide are coming together to end violence against all women and girls (cis, transgender and gender non-conforming) as part of V-Day’s massive annual #1BillionRising campaign. In NYC at 6PM tonight, join us in Washington Square Park for an Artistic Uprising & Call for Revolutionary Love. Together we will stand in solidarity and declare our moral resistance grounded in love. Click here to find an event near you or create your own as part of #1BillionRising. #3 Post "#RevolutionaryLove is... " and fill in the blank with an idea, story or photo that shows what love means to you. Got some paper handy? Write a love letter or make a Valentine for others, our opponents, and ourselves. Cut out a heart from a piece of paper, write your note, and post a picture. Instructions here: www.revolutionarylove.net Together we can change the way we talk about love in America and ground our #MoralResistance in the ethic of love for months to come! #Love Army #1BillionRising #WomensMarch Please Tweet: We’re reclaiming #ValentinesDay as a day of #RevolutionaryLove Join us: revolutionarylove.net #LoveArmy #1BillionRising #WomensMarch 2/3/2017 0 Comments Daily ActionWomen's March Florida State Action:
Find your huddle join on of the many Women's March Florida Regional Meetings happening over the next two weekends and come to our Rally at Mar-a-Lago 2/4 at 5pm. We are adding new area chapters every day if you are interested in a leadership position for an area not listed please email our Director Emma Collum [email protected] Brevard https://www.facebook.com/events/723502694475804/ Broward https://www.facebook.com/events/1390240431017987/ Collier/Ft.Myers/Naples https://www.facebook.com/events/919752381494784/ Florida Keys https://www.facebook.com/events/238982159891058/ Gainesville https://www.facebook.com/events/1088047284639005/ Treasure Coast https://www.facebook.com/events/1158174504281130/ Miami Dade https://www.facebook.com/events/638092516400844/ Orlando/Central Florida https://www.facebook.com/events/1262219917189122/ Sarasota/Manatee TBA St. Pete/Pinellas https://www.facebook.com/events/406152203067106/ Tallahassee https://www.facebook.com/events/1814285725490850/ Tampa https://www.facebook.com/events/1789989084598803/ West Palm Beach https://www.facebook.com/events/640750132778723/ Panhandle https://www.facebook.com/events/279252885826859/?ti=cl March on Mar-a-Lago https://www.facebook.com/events/193214027822035/ |
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