2/14/2017 0 Comments Womens March Florida Daily Action
#1 Call Congress at 1-855-408-2357 and we will connect you to your representative to ask them 1to protect people in harm’s way in the name of justice and love. #2 Thousands of us are rising up with music, art, poetry, and dance! People throughout the US and in 200 countries worldwide are coming together to end violence against all women and girls (cis, transgender and gender non-conforming) as part of V-Day’s massive annual #1BillionRising campaign. In NYC at 6PM tonight, join us in Washington Square Park for an Artistic Uprising & Call for Revolutionary Love. Together we will stand in solidarity and declare our moral resistance grounded in love. Click here to find an event near you or create your own as part of #1BillionRising. #3 Post "#RevolutionaryLove is... " and fill in the blank with an idea, story or photo that shows what love means to you. Got some paper handy? Write a love letter or make a Valentine for others, our opponents, and ourselves. Cut out a heart from a piece of paper, write your note, and post a picture. Instructions here: www.revolutionarylove.net Together we can change the way we talk about love in America and ground our #MoralResistance in the ethic of love for months to come! #Love Army #1BillionRising #WomensMarch Please Tweet: We’re reclaiming #ValentinesDay as a day of #RevolutionaryLove Join us: revolutionarylove.net #LoveArmy #1BillionRising #WomensMarch
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