#womensMARCHfl On March 16, we MARCH for Immigration Reform!!
In honor of Women's History Month, we are spending the month of March sharing what Women's March Florida is all about... because we are making history every day! Today we share another aspect of our Eight Point Policy platform: Immigration Reform. Trump's second unconstitutional "travel ban" was struck down by a federal judge last night, just hours before it was supposed to take effect. https://www.nytimes.com/…/15/us/polit…/trump-travel-ban.html While this is clearly a victory, it is also a bandaid on a much larger problem. Immigrants and refugees from Muslim countries are going to have to constantly fight this administration on actions such as this. And meanwhile, Latino families here at home are now living in fear of the threat of increased ICE raids and the promise of a boarder wall. This administration has made it clear that "America First" means immigrants are last. At Women's March Florida, we believe in fair and equitable treatment for all immigrants. We advocate for a more just and modern immigration system that honors and maintains the way immigration strengthens US communities, economy and families. We recognize that there is still so much work to be done. If you are concerned and passionate about this very timely issue, please contact your area leader to become a part of the Immigration Reform Issue group and make a difference. Learn more about our policy platform by visiting www.womensmarchfl.org #womensMARCHhistoryfl #mywomenshistoryMARCHfl #womensMARCHfl #imarchforimmigrationreform
It takes more effort to pass a good bill than to kill a bad bill. We need all hands on deck in many ways – from calls and emails, to spreading the word, to showing up! ReThink Energy's Reclaiming Florida’s Future is one chance to show up! We need you in the Capitol on March 22. We have coalition provided transportation coming from: We have a bus coming from Miami/Ft Lauderdale/West Palm, a bus coming from Orlando, car and vanpools coming from Sarasota and the Tampa Bay areas, a van from the Gainesville area, vans or carpools from Jax and Pensacola, and PC, and still working on SW Florida. If you are interested in busing up please register on our website. http://www.rethinkenergyflorida.org/reclaiming_florida_s_fu… Here is the schedule! 3/21 Tuesday: Training Begins at 6:30pm Ends at 8:00pm "Catching the Sun" Movie showing at 9:30pm at the nearby Challenger Learning Center IMAX theater. Free lodging is being hosted by First Presbyterian Church, and a low cost option is available on the registration form. 3/22 Wednesday: Registration opens at 10:00am in Waller Park (near the Dolphins Statue) Rally begins at 10:30am, ends at 11:30am Lunch will be at a nearby building, served from after the rally until 1pm.Lunch will be split into groups based on the region of FL you are from. During lunch, there will be mini-trainings on environmental issues not a part of the legislative day. (Including Sabal Trail) Legislative Meetings are being set by the sponsors, and will be going on until 4pm! Sign up and learn more information here: http://www.rethinkenergyflorida.org/reclaiming_florida_s_fu… Share this email and this Facebook event (please remember – we need RSVPs on the web site): https://www.facebook.com/events/581169462072637/ We also need volunteers – if you are able to help! There are plenty of opportunities available from dropping materials off in the morning to registration table and breakdown throughout the day. Below, you will find the times of each opportunity. Opportunity descriptions can be found on the ReThink Energy Florida website! Please consider volunteering to help make this event a huge success. Further information and the link to sign up can be found at http://www.rethinkenergyflorida.org/rff_volunteers Set-up: 8:30am-10am Capitol @ 9:30am Waller Park @ 8:30am Runners Drivers - arrive at 8:30 am (pick up materials the day before – before 4pm, and drop at the capitol) Greeters: 9:30am-11am Registration: 9:30am-11am Information Table: 9:30am-4:00pm (two shifts) Lunch Captain: 10:30am-1:30 pm (assist caterer, be available for questions and providing direction) Area Captain: all day – these individuals will be responsible for making sure meetings with legislators from particular parts of the state (SW FL, SE FL, Central FL, NE FL, NW FL, Central Panhandle) are kept, and for directing/ leading people through the Capitol. You will need to know your way around both the issues and the Capitol to hold this position. Packet Return: 11:30am-5:00pm After Rally Breakdown at Waller Park: 11:30am-12:30pm Second Breakdown: 4:00pm-5pm Drivers @ 4:30 pm #WomensMarchFlorida is Proud to Present our 5th Action:
REFLECT & RESIST The feminist movement has a complex history. It is a powerful movement that has gained monumental victories, yet one cannot speak about feminism without acknowledging the dismal lack of representation for, and at times an active sidelining and silencing of the issues facing women of color, women with disabilities, and the LGBTQIA+ community. The Women's March is committed to learning from this history in order to guide our collective work with an intentionally intersectional approach. The ways in which oppressive institutions are interconnected and perpetuate oppression cannot be examined separately from one another. When we examine issues of oppression in silos, people fall through the cracks and into the margins. We commit to focusing on those cracks and margins. In doing so, we strive to unfurl an umbrella under which individually powerful movements - racial justice, gender justice, disability justice, labor justice, and more - can unite, with a collective emphasis on the people and communities that are so often left behind or treated as an afterthought. We ask you to commit to this as well. Action five is designed to educate some, and refresh others, through study, reflection, and courageous conversations, so that we can all be empowered by, and learn from, the work of activists who came before us, while being mindful not to perpetuate the mistakes of the past. Community is key to activism, so bring your huddles, neighbors, and your march partners back together, collectively choose a book or article to read, or film to watch. Take time to reflect and, together, discuss the topics that they highlight and the issues that women experiencing multiple forms of oppression have faced and continue to face. Below, we've selected five titles from each category to help you get started. We encourage you to choose a resource you feel will challenge you most. During these reflections and conversations, we ask that you not assume shared knowledge. Highlight and celebrate the fact that those in the room may come from a wide array of political and activist backgrounds. Some of you have been doing this longer than others - and that's okay! Start by sharing your knowledge in order for everyone to gain a deeper understanding and perspective of what we are up against. We are preparing ourselves to organize in accordance with the lessons of the past and the principles we hold. Be sure to share your own book, article and film selections and let us know how you’re participating in Action #5. Use the hashtag #ReflectAndResist#womensmarchflorida on social media. SUGGESTED BOOKS THIS BRIDGE CALLED MY BACK: WRITINGS BY RADICAL WOMEN OF COLOR EDITED BY CHERRÍE L. MORAGA AND GLORIA E. ANZALDÚA FEMINISM IS FOR EVERYBODY BY BELL HOOKS THE MINER'S CANARY BY LANI GUINIER AND GERALD TORRES REDEFINING REALNESS: MY PATH TO WOMANHOOD, IDENTITY, LOVE & SO MUCH MORE BY JANET MOCK FADING SCARS: MY QUEER DISABILITY HISTORY BY CORBETT JOAN O’TOOLE SUGGESTED ARTICLES WHY LEMONADE IS FOR BLACK WOMEN BY DOMINIQUE MATTI THIS IS WHAT I MEAN WHEN I SAY WHITE FEMINISM BY CATE YOUNG THEY PRETEND TO BE US WHILE PRETENDING WE DON’T EXIST BY JENNY ZHANG SELF-PORTRAITS BY DEVAN DIAZ INTEGRATING DISABILITY, TRANSFORMING FEMINIST THEORY BY ROSEMARIE GARLAND-THOMSON SUGGESTED FILMS SHE’S BEAUTIFUL WHEN SHE’S ANGRY (2014) MADE IN L.A. (2007) MAJOR! (2016) DON'T TELL ANYONE (NO LE DIGAS A NADIE) (2015) FREE ANGELA AND ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS (2015)
#womensMARCHflorida MARCH 13: CALL TO ACTION: Tell your Florida Senators and Representatives to END THE GENDER PAY GAP NOW! On Tuesday, Women's March Florida will be organizing a network of rallies across the state in support of Florida HB319/SB410: The Helen Gordon Davis Fair Pay Act. Today, we ask you to CALL to show your support. These bills would specify which factors employers can use to decide to pay employees differently, such as education or experience based on seniority or merit, and would prohibit employers from screening job applicants based on prior wages. It would also bar employers from taking retaliatory action against an employee who discloses their wages to a coworker and prohibits employers from discrimination towards employees based on their sex or gender identity. It is time for Women's March Florida to take our message from the Women's Strike on March 8 and turn it into ACTION! This bill is a great step towards greater economic justice and equality for women across Florida. STEP ONE: Call any/all of the House Careers & Competition Subcommittee Members and Leadership to get HB 319 heard! Encourage your local Representative to co-sponsor as well! Sample script: Hello my name is _________ and I am a member of Women's March Florida. I am calling to ask if you plan on supporting HB319: The Helen Gordon Davis Fair Pay Act. I find it unacceptable that in 2017 women are still paid less then men for the same work. Our entire economy is hurt if an entire group of Floridians are not being paid for the quality of their work, especially the single mothers and families stricken by illness or unemployment or tragedy that relies on a female breadwinner. Please vote YES on HB319. Speaker Corcoran (850) 717-5000 [email protected] Chair Diaz (850) 717-5116 [email protected] Chair Beshears (850) 717-5007 [email protected] Vice Chair Trumbull (850) 717-5006 [email protected] Democratic Ranking Member Ausley (850) 717-5009 [email protected] Rep. Ahern (850) 717-5066 [email protected] Rep. Alexander (850) 717-5008 [email protected] Rep. Fine (850) 717-5053 [email protected] Rep. Gonzalez (850) 717-5074 [email protected] Rep. Gruters (850) 717-5073 [email protected] Rep. Hardeman (850) 717-5108 [email protected] Rep. Harrison (850) 717-5063 [email protected] Rep. Jacquet (850) 717-5088 [email protected] Rep. La Rosa (850) 717-5042 [email protected] Rep. Miller (850) 717-5072 [email protected] Rep. Renner (850) 717-5024 [email protected] Rep. Silvers (850) 717-5087 [email protected] STEP TWO: Call any/all of the Senate Governmental Oversight & Accountability Members and Leadership to get SB 410 heard! Encourage your local Senator to co-sponsor as well! Sample script: Hello my name is _________ and I am a member of Women's March Florida. I am calling to ask if you plan on supporting SB410: The Helen Gordon Davis Fair Pay Act. I find it unacceptable that in 2017 women are still paid less then men for the same work. Our entire economy is hurt if an entire group of Floridians are not being paid for the quality of their work, especially the single mothers and families stricken by illness or unemployment or tragedy that relies on a female breadwinner. Please vote YES on SB410. President Joe Negron (850)487-5025 [email protected] Chair Dennis Baxley (850)787-5012 [email protected] Vice Chair Frank Artiles (850)787-5040 [email protected] Senator Bill Galvano (850)787-5021 [email protected] Senator Denise Grimsley (850)787-5026 [email protected] Senator Kevin Rader (850)787-5029 [email protected] Senator Darryl Ervin Rouson (850)787-5019 [email protected] STEP THREE: Find your local FL Senator and Rep and tweet the following (copy/paste): (@___(fill in your senator or rep)____: We are @WMW_Florida HEAR OUR VOICE: it is past time for FL women to receive equal pay for equal work. Support HB319/SB410 NOW! (if you have room, tag your local newspaper) STEP FOUR: Attend an Equal Pay Rally in your area on Tuesday March 14! There are events in Tallahassee, Orlando, West Palm Beach, St. Augustine, Ft. Lauderdale, and Miami. Contact your local chapter for more details! Here are 3 ways you can participate:
#womensmarchflorida March 6 Call to Action: FIGHT FOR EQUAL WORKPLACE RIGHTS!
URGENT ACTION NEEDED THIS MORNING: Call your Senators and tell them to vote NO on rolling back workplace protections for women! SO WHAT'S GOING ON? H.J.Res. 37 would overturn the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces executive order, which requires companies bidding on federal contracts to disclose violations of federal labor or civil rights laws and forbids federal contractors from forcing employees into arbitration for sexual assault claims, sexual harassment claims, and other Title VII discrimination claims . NOT FIRED UP YET, READ THIS: President Trump has promised to sign this provision, which means that companies that violate the law could use fine print forced arbitration clauses to keep their wrongdoing out of the public eye and prevent injured individuals from their day in court (including victims of sexual harassment and assault). alt☎ HOW TO TAKE ACTION alt☎ Step 1: Call (202) 224- 3121 to reach both of your Senators. Step 2: After you’re connected to one of your Senator’s offices, say that you want the Senator to vote NO on H.J. Res. 37. Here’s a sample script to use when making the call: “Hi, my name is [YOUR NAME] and as a resident of {CITY, STATE}, I urge the Senator to vote against H.J. Res. 37, because it will significantly harm victims of sexual harassment and workers generally. Thanks for your time." Step 3: Hang up and repeat for your other Senator. 3/5/2017 1 Comment Daily Action 3/5/17March 5th Action: We Prepare for #daywithoutawoman
On International Women's Day, March 8th, women and our allies will act together for equity, justice and the human rights of women and all gender-oppressed people, through a one-day demonstration of economic solidarity. We want this to be a day where women feel empowered to take a stance on their value in the workplace and the world beyond." #DayWithoutAWoman #IStrikeFor A day where women feel empowered to take a stance on their value in the workplace and the world beyond. How can you participate? Women take the day off, from paid and unpaid labor Avoid shopping for one day (with exceptions for small, women- and minority-owned businesses). Wear RED in solidarity with A Day Without A Woman 2) How can men participate? Consider the ways that the women in your life care for and support you (your family, your office, etc.) daily, and imagine how you can provide that support to women in your life. Lean into care work and housework; If you are partnered with a woman, review with her what domestic work she does. Maybe this means staying home to watch your children, or taking them to work with you. Bring up equal pay at work, paid family leave, find out how much your women co-workers. Consider scheduling a meeting with the decision-makers at the workplace to advocate for female counterparts. Reflect on your expectations of the women you work with in the office. For instance, do you expect them to clean up after meetings, order the food, etc.? Consider the space you take up in conversation. Start by taking action in these areas today. Wear red in solidarity. 3) What businesses should I avoid? Please see our Divestment guide from Women’s March Florida and National Women’s Liberation. 4) How should I tell my employer? Use this template! https://www.womensmarch.com/letter 5) How do I sign up for my neighborhood Women’s March Chapter 3/8/2017 Candlelight Vigil? -St. Augustine: https://www.facebook.com/events/229991994130757/ -Treasure Coast https://www.facebook.com/events/230228454108222/ -Space Coast https://www.facebook.com/events/292260374524117/ -Broward https://www.facebook.com/events/1652423838393112/ -Tallahassee https://www.facebook.com/events/379132175805531/ -Central Florida (Orlando) https://www.facebook.com/events/1229712557149948/ -Tampa https://www.facebook.com/events/1987128914847925/ -SW Florida (Naples Collier Ft. Myers) https://www.facebook.com/groups/womensmarchswfl/ -Gainesville https://www.facebook.com/events/1794636414193305/ -Jacksonville https://www.facebook.com/groups/204765923265094/ -Sarasota/Manatee https://www.facebook.com/events/1851391408472235/ -West Palm Beach https://www.facebook.com/groups/202105153572940/ -Florida Keys https://www.facebook.com/events/265999440492318/ -St.Pete https://www.facebook.com/events/1207230976051658/ -Miami Dade https://www.facebook.com/events/428912374113923/ -Central Gulf Coast https://www.facebook.com/events/255897798168431/ 3/3/2017 0 Comments Daily Action 3/3/17#womensmarchflorida MARCH 3: Did You Know?
Did you know that America's first female self-made millionaire was African-American? Sarah Breedlove, known as Madam C. J. Walker, was an African-American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and political and social activist. Walker made her fortune by developing and marketing a line of beauty and hair products for black women through Madame C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company, the successful business she founded. Walker was also known for her philanthropy and activism. Today, the Women of #womensmarchflorida need YOUR philanthropy! We are an entirely volunteer-run, grassroots organization funded by nothing other than the generosity of the communities we serve. There are two ways to show your support: PURCHASE A T-SHIRT: (ending in two days!) https://www.bonfire.com/womens-march-florida-fundraiser/ MAKE A DIRECT CONTRIBUTION: https://www.fundraise.com/we-march-on-womens-march-florida #womensMARCHhistoryfl #mywomensMARCHfl#whyimarchfl #womensmarchflorida 3/2/2017 2 Comments Daily Action 3/2/2017#womensmarchflorida
MARCH 2: Call to Action for Economic Justice! Tell Rubio and Nelson to Vote NO for Ben Carson as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development! THE VOTE IS TODAY!!! Dr. Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon with "no government experience" (according to his own spokesman Armstrong Williams), is an irresponsible and dangerous choice to run the crucial Department of Housing and Urban Development. Our nation faces an unprecidented affordable housing crisis. Over 500,000 Americans are homeless, a quarter of which are children. We need a HUD Director who understands the complexities and skills needed to manage our country's housing needs and enforce fair housing laws- NOT a political lap dog of the President who refuses to even promise that HUD money won't end up in the pockets of Donald Trump's businesses. (http://www.cnbc.com/…/hud-nominee-dr-ben-carson-refuses-to-…) At Women's March Florida, we advocate for each individual to have an equal chance at a dignified, productive, and creative life beyond economics, which includes the right to access to fair and affordable housing. We must make our voices heard against Ben Carson as HUD Director. TELL RUBIO AND NELSON: Access to fair and affordable housing is too important to Americans to trust to a man with no experience and a shaky grip on what constitutes a conflict of interest! STEP ONE: Call Marco Rubio and strongly urge him to vote NO on Carson as HUD Director. Orlando Number: (407) 254-2573 Miami Number: (305) 418-8553 Tampa Number: (813) 287-5035 Jacksonville Number: (904) 398-8586 Pensacola Number: (850) 433 2603 Washington DC Number: (202) 224 3041 Tallahassee Number: (850) 599-9100 Naples Number: (239) 213-1521 Palm Beach: (561) 775 3360 SCRIPT: “I am calling regarding Senator Rubio’s vote on HUD Director. I am a member of the Women’s March on Washington Florida Chapter and I stand for economic justice for all. I feel it is important Senator Rubio vote NO on Ben Carson because of his lack of experience in running anything like this crucial agency. Access to fair and affordable housing is too important to Floridians to put in the hands of someone learning as he goes. Senator Rubio NEEDS to use his vote to show the women of Florida that he HEARS OUR VOICE and is PROPERLY REPRESENTING US." STEP TWO: Please TWEET (copy and paste): @marcorubio we are @WMW_Florida HEAR OUR VOICE:access to fair&affordable housing is a right we cant entrust to newbie BenCarson @MiamiHerald STEP THREE: Call Senator Bill Nelson and thank him for standing up for Florida's voice so far. Ask him to continue doing so when he votes on Ben Carson. Washington DC: 202-224-5274 Broward: 954-693-4851 Fort Meyers: 239-334-7760 Jacksonville: 904-346-4500 Miami-Dade: 305-536-5999 Orlando: 407-872-7161 Tallahassee: 850-942-8415 Tampa: 813-225-7040 West Palm: 561-514-0189 SCRIPT: “I am calling regarding Senator Nelson's vote on HUD Director. I am a member of the Women’s March on Washington Florida Chapter and I stand for economic justice for all. I feel it is important Senator Nelson vote NO on Ben Carson because of his lack of experience in running anything like this crucial agency. Access to fair and affordable housing is too important to Floridians to put in the hands of someone learning as he goes. Senator Nelson NEEDS to use his vote to show the women of Florida that he HEARS OUR VOICE and is PROPERLY REPRESENTING US." STEP FOUR: Please TWEET (copy and paste): @SenBillNelson we are @WMW_Florida HEAR OUR VOICE:access to fair&affordable housing is a right we cant entrust to newbie BenCarson @TB_Times STEP FIVE: Find and join your local WMFL Chapter's Economic Justice Issue Group if you want to keep working on important issues in this area! #womensMARCHhistoryfl #mywomensMARCHfl #whyimarchfl#womensmarchflorida 3/1/2017 0 Comments DAILY ACTION 3/1/2017** Announcing Women's MARCH: A Month to Celebrate the History, the Impact, and the Future of Women**
For over 20 years, the month of MARCH has been recognized as a time to highlight the contributions of women to events in history and contemporary society. At Women's March Florida, we believe that women's rights are human rights, and that women make up the backbone and foundation of every community. We believe that the future is female and that our communities are strong when women are strong. In recognition of Women's History Month, we also celebrate MARCH as a month to witness the historic rising up of women across the country that began on January 21 and is continuing to grow in strength and number every day. Look for posts each day in March from Women's March Florida to help you get engaged, get educated, and have your voices heard. Make MARCH your month to rise up and get louder. We are the ones we have been waiting for and THIS IS OUR MOMENT. #womensMARCHhistoryfl #mywomensMARCHfl#whyimarchfl#womensmarchflorida |
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