#womensmarchflorida March 6 Call to Action: FIGHT FOR EQUAL WORKPLACE RIGHTS!
URGENT ACTION NEEDED THIS MORNING: Call your Senators and tell them to vote NO on rolling back workplace protections for women! SO WHAT'S GOING ON? H.J.Res. 37 would overturn the Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces executive order, which requires companies bidding on federal contracts to disclose violations of federal labor or civil rights laws and forbids federal contractors from forcing employees into arbitration for sexual assault claims, sexual harassment claims, and other Title VII discrimination claims . NOT FIRED UP YET, READ THIS: President Trump has promised to sign this provision, which means that companies that violate the law could use fine print forced arbitration clauses to keep their wrongdoing out of the public eye and prevent injured individuals from their day in court (including victims of sexual harassment and assault). alt☎ HOW TO TAKE ACTION alt☎ Step 1: Call (202) 224- 3121 to reach both of your Senators. Step 2: After you’re connected to one of your Senator’s offices, say that you want the Senator to vote NO on H.J. Res. 37. Here’s a sample script to use when making the call: “Hi, my name is [YOUR NAME] and as a resident of {CITY, STATE}, I urge the Senator to vote against H.J. Res. 37, because it will significantly harm victims of sexual harassment and workers generally. Thanks for your time." Step 3: Hang up and repeat for your other Senator.
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